Organizing my knowledge in DEVONthink

As I mentioned in my last post, I have been looking at adopting the Zettelkasten method for my knowledge base. I finished the book How to Take Smart Notes and while it contained a lot of good information, I was...

Using Aliases in DEVONthink for Zettelkasten

As part of refactoring the way that I store and manage knowledge, I started looking into a note-taking method called Zettelkasten. I became interested in this method after watching this video and decided to purchase the book How to Take...

Managing Code Snippets in Drafts and DEVONThink

Once I made the decision to use Drafts and DEVONthink for my knowledge base, my next step was to set it up. Most of the information I need to store contains code snippets, so it was important to get that...

Storing Information with DEVONThink

As I was playing around with [Drafts][]{:target=”_blank”} actions, I came across an action that send items to DEVONThink. I had played with DEVONThink a little in the past, but at the time it seemed to be more application than I...