Using Vault to get AWS Credentials

About a year ago we switched from building our Jenkins controller using a Dockerfile to Terraform driven Packer build. I wrote about the process here, and it has worked really well for us. We not only use this process for...

Using .netrc in Python

Even after 25 years of working in tech, I still occasionally do an oops. In this case, I was working on a python script that communicated with Slack and I accidentally committed the Slack token to my repository(I had hard...

Deploying Terraform with GitHub Actions

For the last few days I have been playing with GitHub Actions to see how easy it was to deploy Terraform. One of the first problems that I ran into was with related to the use of the Vault provider...

Opening a Jira Issue with Drafts

I have been playing a lot with Drafts actions lately, and I decided to see if I could use it to create Jira tickets. I was happy to see that their was an action available for it in the Actions...

Upgrade Molecule from 2 to 3

A couple of months ago I was going some work on one of my Ansible roles when I learned that Molecule had undergone a pretty significant upgrade. Rather than try to figure out how to fix it then, I just...