I’ve been spending a lot of time lately cleaning up AWS resources that are no longer in use.  While I am working on a more permanent solution, I came up with a quick couple of CLI commands that help me to see how many disks that I have in the available state that are more than X days old across all regions so that I can delete them.  Rather than cut and paste the commands every time I run them, I’ve created a couple of functions that I have added to my dotfiles repo on GitHub.

List Available Volumes Older than X days

aws-av() { 
  if [ -z "$1" ]; then 
    echo "Need to include the number of days to list" 
    for region in `aws ec2 describe-regions --output text | cut -f 2|cut -d . -f 2`; 
      echo "-- $region"; 
      aws ec2 describe-volumes \
        --region $region \ 
        --filters "Name=status,Values=available" \ 
        --query "Volumes[?CreateTime<='$(date -v -${1}d +%Y-%m-%d)'].VolumeId" \ 
        --output text echo ; 

Cleanup Available Volumes Older than X days

aws-avc() {
  if [ -z "$1" ]; then
    echo "Needs number of days old to clean up"
    for region in `aws ec2 describe-regions --output text | cut -f 2|cut -d . -f 2`;
      echo "-- $region";
      for a in `aws ec2 describe-volumes \
        --region $region \
        --filters "Name=status,Values=available" \
        --query "Volumes[?CreateTime<='$(date -v -${1}d +%Y-%m-%d)'].VolumeId" \
        --output text`
        echo "Deleting $a..."
        aws ec2 delete-volume --region $region --volume-id $a
      echo ;

Once sourced, you can run either function with the number of days old you want the volume to be and it will either list them (aws-av) or remove them (aws-avc).