Preparing Google Cloud for Terraform

This week I started on a new project that needs a Kubernetes cluster and figured it would be a good time to figure out how to spin it up infrastructure in GCP with Terraform.  As with Azure a few months...

How I Structure Terraform Projects

Lately I have been writing a lot of Terraform code for some personal projects.  After copying certain files around for the 5th or 6th time, I decided to make a skeleton repository for Terraform projects to make things a little...

1Password CLI Tricks

I was really excited late last year when 1Password announced that they had developed a CLI for their application.  Finally I had the ability to pull out passwords and time-based one time passwords (TOPT) without having to go into the...

Autoscaling Ubuntu

For the last few days I have been working on updating my Consul deployment to run on Ubuntu 18.04 instead of an AmazonLinux instance. The migration was fairly straight forward, but I ran into two small issues that I figured...