Last summer, I wrote a post about how we were using Vagrant to test Ansible roles across AWS and the Datacenter. This has worked well with a single AWS account, but it has proven to be a little trickier in our account layout, which uses a centralized account and STS roles. Initially, I had an assume_role script that we had written that would get and set the right bits for the vagrant file to work, but it wasn’t very elegant.

While working on some Ansible roles recently, I decided to take an afternoon and see what I could come up with to make everything a little easier. I’m pretty happy with the results. It’s much more streamlined and easier to run and maintain.

If you would like to try it out yourself, you can start by cloning (or forking first) the repo to your local system:

git clone

Once you have it cloned, you will want to change directories and then checkout the sts branch:

cd vagrant-ansible-testing
git checkout sts

From here, you will need to create an env.rb file in the top level of the directory and add the environmental variables you will want to use:

ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
ENV['AWS_KEYPAIR_NAME'] = 'my-keypair'
ENV['MY_PRIVATE_AWS_SSH_KEY_PATH'] = '/Users/me/.ssh/my-keypair.pem'
ENV['AWS_SUBNET'] = 'subnet-xxxxxxxx'
ENV['AWS_SG'] = 'sg-xxxxxxxx'

You can also optionally define the following variables (defaults are listed):

ENV['AWS_DEFAULT_REGION'] = 'us-east-1'
ENV['AWS_INSTANCE_TYPE'] = 't2.micro'
ENV['AWS_AMI'] = 'ami-9be6f38c' #(aws-linux)
ENV['AWS_EC2_USER'] = 'ec2-user'

After you have saved the env.rb file, you can update the requirements.yml and playbook.yml with your Ansible code. Vagrant will run the ansible-galaxy command with the -f (force) option on the “up” and “provision” vagrant sub commands. Once you have your Ansible files the way you want, all that is left is to run the vagrant command:

% vagrant up

You can iterate on your Ansible by running the vagrant command:

% vagrant provision

Once you have completed your Ansible testing, you can destroy the environment:

% vagrant destroy

That’s it. A quick and easy way to test your Ansible roles against an AWS server.